Software | Cinema 4D, Rokoko, Redshift, Adobe After Effect
Skills | Interaction design, 3D model, motion capture
Timeline | 16 weeks
Role | Capstone Project
Device | Desktop
Problem Statement
Individuals who do not speak American Sign Language (ASL) commonly believe that ASL only uses words to formulate communication and express thoughts, words, and ideas. However, American Sign Language integrates concepts, visuals, and English syntax to formulate meaning. To ensure understanding when ASL is used, body language and facial expressions are utilized to convey meaning. The use of non-visual communication is extremely important within the signing community, an aspect of communication that is frequently overlooked in many spoken languages.
Mission Statment
ASL isn’t expressed by only speaking in words. ASL makes use of classifiers, which are signs that use hand shapes that describe a variety of objects. Classifiers use one of five basic parameters: hand shape itself, movement, location, palm orientation, and nonmanual markers/facial expressions in the aspect of body language.

To understand how this project works, follow the outlined list of examples, the introduction of the Classifier. "CL" stands for the project classifier, which in basic sign language, can be a number, a letter of the alphabet, or another common sign.
Example Sentence
"Various hawks and owls are common; the golden eagle
nests on the mountain crags and the burrowing owl on the plains."
nests on the mountain crags and the burrowing owl on the plains."
Classifier (ASL)
Visual Vernacular (ASL)
Final Project
"A fishing boat is in the Pacific Ocean at night. A gray cloud with thunderclouds causes heavy rain and ocean waves by the wind. Lighting strikes with a loud echo spreading out. The boat continues to hit the strong waves rocking up and down. Turbulence continues until dawn arrives, the rain and the clouds fade away in peace." - Moi
Classifier (ASL)
The Future Goal
The Bionic Arm Project is a small step toward the large goal of this project. The Bionic Arm Project's introduction was developed Artificial Intelligence (AI) sign language and will eventually gather over ten thousand ASL content videos. These content videos will be in the projects library for future use these videos will help Bionic Arm Project's AI and teach it to read ASL movement from the English ASL, Classifier, and Visual Vernacular tools. Eventually the project will convert to a 3D model arm, like the one that is displayed on the website. The project aims to publish to an all-ages audience who will use the interactive model and website. The use of this AI Bionic Arm Project will permit individuals to have fun playing, increasing their knowledge of sign.
Meet the individual designer | Interpreter team

Amanda Dole, Hannah Holland, Moises E. Tobias