Software | Cinema 4D, Adobe After Effect, Figma
Skills | 3D modeling, rendered image, animation, light, turntable, prototype, visual effect, editing
Timeline | 4 weeks 
Role | Individual Project 
Device | Desktop​​​​​​​
Key Features and Description
This project focused on featuring the design and functionality of eco-friendly bicycles. Different bicycle designs are required to meet material standards, weather standards, and other regulatory features. To demonstrate and display this on a webpage, I modified the delivery and interactivity of the existing website. With the visual display of the "THEN" and "AFTER" function, the users were able to better comprehended the specifications and design elements that were a part of the overall bicycle crafting process. Not only did indidvuals interact with the website, but they were also able to learn about different materials. Understanding the different materials permitted customers to design a custom bicycle that suited their unique needs. This customization provided the seller with a competitive advantage within the market. The consumer oriented design provided the consumer with an informed choice for their bicycle purchase.

The Problem Statement 
Consumers are now purchasing more bicycles in the United States than ever before. This project focused on consumers residing in the US, many of whom do not know about materials that are purposely designed for bicycles. Additionally, education about maintenance for bicycles is important for these individuals to know about. One example is a mountain bicycle that has a solid steel core to support the rider. The solid steel core absorbs shock when the rider is moving through rough terrain. However, it negatively affects the rider due to the lack of weather resistance, which can ultimately cause rust.
The Solution & Goal
It is advantageous for consumers to educate themselves and learn about the various metals used within the products. This education provides the consumers with an understanding of the maintenance required for each product. The website included landing pages, interaction models, and provided a robust information delivery to potential consumers.
The Conclusion 
To educate consumers and provide an interactive website, a 3D model was created for the bicycle. The interactivity of the model provides consumers with a positive experience of building a bicycle and learning about the materials at the same time. The model is still being updated and modified to ensure that the consumer is provided with the best possible experience. Through this project, I have excelled and improved in my 3D design skillset.
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